To Fog or Not to Fog ... That is the Question.

A question for #screenshotsaturday. Some players say the colors in Paradox Vector are too stark and it hurts their eyes. Do you prefer fog, no fog, or an option to use either?

Currently the game has no fog color as seen here in the first two images...

I like the addition of fog, but I am also concerned that it will take the game too far away from it's Vector Graphics aesthetic...

What do you think?

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I say make it an option. Looks great without it, kinda hard to say what it would look like with it until it's actually in the game...screenshots can be deceiving.

More options are never a bad thing, in my opinion.

Not to fog.

"One Man's Opinion" but the "Aesthetic"  of this is  imagining if an  80s era  vector game (Asteroids, Star Wars, Space Castle, Space Dungeon,  SwordFight) had anything like a modern computer to drive it.

"Fog" is a remnant of early 3DCG and was notorious on systems that plain could NOT handle full 3D.  This was cleverly used to legendary effect for Magic Carpet (IMO it would have FLOPPED without it) and again on "Silent Hill" where they forced 3D games on a Playstation barely able to handle it.  The effect is a dial away in Zbrush due to that and it even is a feature in "Minecraft" because when the latter got out a lot of computers couldn't handle the simpler Voxel based  program due to its scope.

So while Lovecraft stuff might be <> with hard vectors - you've made it work and adding fancy features like fog will lead to calls for some things having textures then ... etc.    A fancy feature - fox, bloom, textures might do for a manifestation of Cthulhu, Nyarlahotep, Shug-Nigguruth for they are intruders into that elegant vector reality- but that would be limited like staying in that area does too much damage so the character has to flee with effects on the edge.

Again, "One Man's Opinion" but have bought the game on Steam and play it now and again.

I really appreciate the feedback!  I will almost certainly add it as an option at this point, but I'm not sure whether it will be the default or not.  Almost all the comments I've gotten so far suggest the fog looks better, but you are making me think twice...  

Actually, technically, both images have fog, it's just black fog in the current game.  I don't know if that changes your opinion or not.


Not really - I know it's a modern system that's more powerful exponentially than the best arcade machines - roughly equal to a "Cray Supercomputer" of the 80s making it look "Retro" without the strict maddening limits computers of the day placed.    It's not "Purity" rather  an Aesthetics opinion.  

Anyways, I gave my opinion - if you add it no problem, I won't go screaming it's the end of the world - might try it and will comment if I like it!

I'd say include it as an (accessibility?) option, with the default off. 

Thank for the feedback!  Yes, I will almost certainly include both options.  Almost all the comments I've gotten show a preference to the fog.